Red – “Caring for Your Dog” Pack #4


“Caring for your Dog” features 14 stories “written” and “read aloud” by dogs – and since children relate well to animals, they can enjoy, while learning important lessons. The front side of each card shows different photos of dogs and the backside tells a short story. The free audio download is under products. Kids can read the cards while following along with the dogs or just listen while they look at the photos of the dogs. The messages are full of wonderful sound effects.

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43 “Ask My Vet” – When you don’t know what to do, ask for help.
44 —-This title has the audio download key in it! —-
45 “A Safe Walk” – Watching your dog while you walk.
46 “I Can Get Really Sick” – Some things are poisonous to dogs.
47 “Allergies” – Dogs can have allergies too.
48 “Check The Concrete” – Hot pavement can hurt dogs.
49 “Rescue Groups” – There are all kinds of rescue groups for dogs.
50 “Fostering” – Dogs can be fostered.
51 “Be Nice To Bugs” – Letting bugs mind their own business.
52 “On Being Thankful” – Being thankful, even if you are a dog.
53 “Train Your Dog To Be Nice” – Some people train dogs to be mean; train yours right.
54 “Visit Our Website”
55 “Knock, Knock! Who’s There?”
56 “Theme song words”


‪The children can spend hours looking at the photo’s, while listening to the stories and making “best friends” with their favorite dogs!‬

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