43 “Wise Cat Says… ‘We’re the Same” – Unique and the same all at once. 44 —-This title has the audio download key in it! —- 45 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Want to Belong?’” – Don’t go along just to get along. 46 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Just Practice’” – Practice makes perfect. 47 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Different Is OK’” – Differences can be good. 48 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Be Your Own Person’” – Be yourself. 49 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Be Cautious Around Strangers’” – Watch out for stranger danger. 50 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Be Nice’” – Even if others are being mean, choose to be kind. 51 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Make Their Day!’” – Share some kindness. 52 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Time to Tell’” – When secrets can hurt you. 53 “Wise Cat Says… ‘Sticks and Stones’” – Words can hurt. 54 “Wise Cat Says…’Visit Our Website” 55 “Guten Tag, Danke! (What??) 56 “Theme Song Words” |
The children can spend hours looking at the photos, while listening to the stories and making “best friends” with their favorite cats!